Periodontitis is a common disease, according to statistics, which affects about 80% of the adult population. Progressive periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss in a short period.
The first manifestations of periodontal disease are bleeding and redness of the gums, unpleasant and mobility of teeth. Many people do not attach importance to this problem. We want to emphasize that this disease is progressing rapidly and the sooner treatment is started, the more chances to save teeth.

The most common periodontal diseases include gingivitis and periodontitis.
At the initial stage, soreness, bleeding and swelling of the gums, redness of the mucous membrane appears. With the progression of the disease, there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, inflammation of the gums, periodontal pockets, gum recession, which leads to the exposure of the necks of the teeth, deformation and destruction of the bone tissue, which leads to loss of teeth.
Medlife dental clinics use a wide arsenal of modern methods for the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases, including the Vector sparing non-invasive therapy, diagnosis and treatment using the Perioscan apparatus, and the use of laser technology.The goal of treatment is the complete elimination of inflammation, the restoration of the anatomical structures and physiological functions of the periodontium, as well as the maintenance of the achieved therapeutic effect.
Periodontal treatment
Complex periodontal treatment consists of several stages:
First stage
Treatment involves the use of a closed curettage procedure - removal of deposits from the teeth and polishing of their roots. The procedure is carried out 4 times with an interval of 2 - 4 days using anesthetics and ultrasound equipment.
Also at this stage, the doctor advises the patient on oral hygiene and recommends the use of special paste.
Removing deposits from the teeth and cleansing the gums and roots reduces the number of microorganisms and reduces the depth of the pockets. In the event that a closed curettage was not performed, a significant number of infectious bacteria can lead to a complication of the healing process and, consequently, to unsuccessful treatment.
Also at the initial stage, temporary splinting of loose teeth is performed. After the initial treatment, there is a decrease in bleeding and itching of the gums, the surface of the teeth becomes smooth, and loose teeth become stronger.
Second phase
1-2 months after the diagnosis of periodontitis, the treatment moves to the second stage. The doctor measures the pockets, analyzes the results of treatment at the first stage, and corrects the patient's bite. If at this stage the size of the pockets reaches 5 mm, surgical treatment is carried out, in which the bone tissue destroyed by inflammation is replaced with the use of anesthesia.
Third stage
After elimination of the inflammation process, supportive treatment is carried out to prevent the exacerbation of the disease. This is a necessary measure, as periodontitis with relapse is much more difficult. Maintenance treatment, if periodontitis is detected, implies preventive examinations once every three months.

Medlife clinics pay special attention to periodontology, since the health of the gums is the health of the teeth. In the clinic, both therapeutic and surgical methods for the treatment of gums are used to treat gum diseases. We always use only individual treatment regimens, based on the specific clinical situation.